Year of the Snake

2013 is the Year of the Snake.



Year of the Water Snake. Watercolor and ink on paper. 5″ x 5″.

Unframed: $200

Some Parrot

I painted a parrot.



Some Parrot. Watercolor and ink on paper. 5″ x 5″.

Unframed: $150

Happy 2013!

Enjoy the new year!



Hunter. Watercolor and ink on paper. 5″ x 5″.

Unframed: $125

Gifts for Gamers

I started creating video game art on a whim. I felt that I had been taking my subject matter too seriously. By painting something I considered fun, and something that had already been pre designed, I could just let myself play. It’s been almost three years since my first geek culture inspired piece. Now, prints of these watercolors are my best selling creations. If you’re interested in picking up a few prints of your own, visit my Etsy shop. I’m offering free shipping until Decmeber 17th, 2012. Just use coupon code FREESHIP at check out.

Here are a few of my most recent nerd excursions. The Cammy piece won the Etsy Gamers Game of the Month Challenge for November 2012.



I’m including this last photo to illustrate how small these video game inspired works are as originals. The prints are 5″ x 7″.


I Remember Wanamaker’s

Right now, this painting is hanging in the Ocean City Arts Center’s “I Remember Wanamaker’s” show. It is truly an honor to show in the Ocean City Arts Center’s gorgeous gallery again. This was an invitation only themed show that I am proud to be a part of. The only problem is, I don’t remember Wanamaker’s.  Sure is a pretty organ, though.

“Remember That Sound.” Watercolor and ink on paper. 5″ x 7″


Lady Luck

Atlantic City and I have a love hate relationship, but warm weather is coming so we may be setting aside our differences.


Visit Sunny Atlantic City. Watercolor and ink on paper. 5″ x 5″.

Unframed: $250


Beauties of Asbury Lanes

A few weeks late, but better than never. Here are the paintings I created at the most recent Dr. Sketchy Asbury Park session. The theme was vampires. The models were Tricia Pain, Krissi, and the sultry Sammi Macabe.

Tricia and Krissi in their long (20 minute) pose:


Sammi in a peaceful ten minute pose:


Krissi playing the damsel in this lovely five minute pose:


Tricia Pain’s two minute poses were some of the sexiest of the evening:

Dr. Sketchy’s at Blick Art Supplies

Here are some of my watercolors from last night’s Dr. Sketchy’s session at Blick in Philadelphia. The theme was cheesecake pin ups. Our stunning models were Samantha SamSam and Victoria. I adore painting women with red hair.

Fifteen minute pose of Victoria:

Fifteen minute pose of Samantha:


Two five minute poses of Victoria:


Two two minute poses of Samantha:

Bad Ideas

The opposite of inspiration.


Secret Daughter of Cthulhu

Below is my hand painted depiction of Cthylla, secret daughter of Cthulhu. She has her daddy’s eyes.

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