A Reptile

Painted this chameleon for /r/sketchdaily’s reptile day.


Orange and Indigo

The orange and indigo fish complete my rainbow betta fish project. These pieces are currently hanging at Casciano in Hammonton.





The Roy G. Fish complete set:







Roy G Fish

Only two more colors to go! My green betta fish.



Unframed: $200.00

Prints available in my etsy shop. 

Year of the Snake

2013 is the Year of the Snake.



Year of the Water Snake. Watercolor and ink on paper. 5″ x 5″.

Unframed: $200

Some Parrot

I painted a parrot.



Some Parrot. Watercolor and ink on paper. 5″ x 5″.

Unframed: $150

Hunter and Hunted

Today I painted a lion and a gazelle.



Hunter. Watercolor and ink on paper. 5″ x 5″.

Unframed: $150



Hunted. Watercolor and ink on paper. 5″ x 5″.

Unframed: $150.00

Fox Out of Water

Here is a painting of a startled fox. The animal feels out of place, and was created with watercolors. The painting practically named itself.

Fox Out of Water. Watercolor and ink on paper. 6″ x 5″ (15.2cm x 12.7cm).

Unframed: $200.00

Hanauma Bay

This is the fifth and final post about my fantastic trip to Hawaii.

Hanauma Bay Park is perhaps the most beautiful place I’ve ever been.

The day spent there was full of snorkeling, site seeing, swimming, and sun bathing. My drawings were quick as I was torn between enjoying the sunny activities and capturing the beauty with my pen.

Here are a few sketches of people I saw while on the The Bus riding to the bay:

The Story of My Bike

Most of my childhood was spent on a bike. In fact, cycling was my main mode of transportation well into my young adulthood. That changed when my bike was stolen almost a decade ago. I got my driver’s license at twenty-one, and forgot all about the joys of peddling a bike around town.

Not this spring! I have a bicycle again. More importantly, I have a drawing book dedicated to bike ride landscapes and nature explorations. I feel my biggest hurdle as an artist is drawing the world outdoors. My style is quite organic. Add the chaos of natural growth, and you get very hectic art. The goals of these drawings are to either embrace my unstructured tendency or expel it. This is a challenge I am truly enjoying.

Expect many more landscape drawings and paintings in the weeks to come. Every time I bike ride, I’ll try to contribute to my little book of nature drawings.

This first drawing is from last week, right before spring really hit. The foliage you see is simply dry leaves left over from last autumn:

This, drawn yesterday, is spring in its early glory. The blossoms on the tree were white, the shrubbery was mostly yellow:

Barn Owls Don’t Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Barn owls don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, but they do mate for life. Today’s drawing is dedicated to all those love birds out there. Keep being full of adoration.

Soul Mates in the Barn Rafters. India ink on cotton paper. 5″x5″.

Unframed: $100.00

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